BRACK: GwinnettForum’s 10 rules for safe driving

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

MAY 28, 2024  |  If there is one thing you can count on, for sure you always see bad driving on our roadways virtually every time you go out in your automobile. Highways are always dangerous.

Bad driving is everywhere. Each automobile trip sees dangers. We remember a sign aimed at soldiers at Fort Stewart, Ga. that read as they left the base: “Be careful. You are entering a most dangerous area: the public highway.”

You must constantly be alert while driving, that is, alert yourself, and be alert for other vehicles … .and what they may do. They may stop quickly, or turn suddenly in front of you without warning, or come up fast behind you, or come mighty close to you in an adjacent lane. You never know where the danger might suddenly appear.

To that end, we have come up with GwinnettForum’s Ten Rules for Safe Driving, which you see here. Now to go into each of these headings.

  1. Think ahead: Once on the roadway, immediately think ahead of where you want to turn off this segment. If it’s soon, put yourself in the correct lane to make that turn.
  2. Stay in your lane: Once you know where you are going, get in the best lane and stay there. All too often you see cars swerving from one lane to get into another, causing consternation and danger to others on the road.
  3. Keep your distance: Don’t tailgate on the driver ahead of you. It’s not only common courtesy, but can be dangerous, for you never know what the driver ahead might do!
  4. Don’t overly speed: on most highways, the posted speed is usually 50-60 mph, which is fast in itself. But you see many passing you at 8o-90-100 mph. Keeping a constant, relatively moderate speed is safer and will also save you on fuel.
  5. Don’t get distracted.  Make sure anyone in your vehicle doesn’t  get you into a tizzy and don’t let those crazy drivers you see overly upset you. You must pay attention to driving, not get into an uproar with someone else.
  6. Stay off your cell phone. This communication device is dangerous to use while driving. If you must, at least use a hands-free system, but remember, cell phones are mighty distracting and can cause accidents.
  7. Plan fuel purchases well ahead. Said another way, “Don’t run out of gas”…or electricity. Know where your next fuel stop is and use it.
  8. Look three times before turning into another road.  First, look left, then look right, then look left again. If you see any cars moving toward you, consider not turning until they have passed. Then enter the road carefully.
  9. Use the  back-up camera.  Most cars now have them. Each time, when gearing into reverse, give the back-up camera time to light up and look at it before you start backing. Or else you might back into someone.
  10. Know your route.  Plan your route before you start your car. Should you use your car’s navigation device, set and study this before leaving. And when driving, be careful when glancing at Navigation.

Many of you can add other significant rules for safe driving. But this is a start. Be careful on the roadways: they are always dangerous.
