ANOTHER VIEW: Misconceptions abound about the Middle East

By Jack Bernard, contributing columnist

PEACHTREE CITY, GA.  | The Democratic Party is losing younger progressives who are increasingly seeking out third party candidates or saying that they may not vote in 2024. One reason is the skewed view progressives have of the Gaza War, started by Hamas terrorists and proven to be a humanitarian disaster. 

Misconception 1: Israel was created by Jews forcefully displacing Arabs. But in fact: Israel was created by United Nations Resolution 181, with 33 votes for and 13 (mostly Muslim) nations against. The British ruled the territory for 60 years prior to that time when it was not a nation. After Israel declared independence in 1948, five Arab armies subsequently invaded. Post-war, Egypt then took over Gaza and Jordan took over the West Bank, abolishing Palestinian hopes of having their own state (now known as a “two state solution.”)    

Misconception 2: Israel consists of only European Jews, new to the Middle East.  But in fact, there have been Jews in the Middle East for almost all of recorded history. They are called Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews, and their appearance is similar to that of Arabs. At the time of the creation of Israel, there were almost a million Jews living in Islamic nations, many under oppression. Virtually all of them left those nations for Israel.  

Misconception 3: The only reason Hamas exists is because of Israeli oppression. But in fact there is no tradition of democracy anywhere in the Middle East, other than in Israel. There are a multitude of radical Islamic terrorist groups, both Shia and Sunni. When given a rare choice, Gaza residents voted to be ruled by Hamas.  The Hamas Covenant states: “(Hamas) strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.”    

Misconception 4: Israeli Arabs are oppressed and segregated. But in fact Muslims who are Israeli citizens have always had full political and social rights. There are nearly two million Islamic men, women and children in Israel who enjoy these rights, which would not be available to them in Arab majority nations. Since the creation of Israel, there have been 100 elected Arab Knesset (Parliament) members. These include several key deputy speakers and ministers. About 10 percent of the Knesset is Muslim.  

Misconception 5: Prime Minister Netanyahu is popular in Israel. But in fact, prior to the October 7 terrorist attack, the majority of Israelis had a negative view of Netanyahu. Only 29 percent viewed him very favorably. Even looking at the Jewish community, only 36 percent viewed him very positively. However, only 7 percent supported the right wing coalition that he leads. 

What will happen now that the war has no clear ending point?  There is no easy solution to the on-going Middle Eastern crisis.    

Israel has offered to halt the war if Hamas leadership departs the territory. Hamas has refused. However, it is clear that under a negotiated truce, Israel will require Hamas to end its control over Gaza.  That position will never change. 

There needs to be a reasonable consolidated Gaza-West Bank ruling coalition established directly by Arab states, one excluding Hamas. Then, the Israelis also must dump their far-right government and elect someone capable of negotiating a lasting peace, which Netanyahu won’t do.  Until both of these things are accomplished, war will continue and innocents will die. 
