MYSTERY PHOTO: Hills, rock and water are clues

The clues in this edition’s Mystery Photo are all natural: hills, stone and water. Is that enough for you to identify this distinctive photograph? If so, send your thoughts to and be sure to tell us your hometown.

The past mystery was solved by several people. George Graf of Palmyra, Va. wrote: “This is known as the Old Man of Storr on the Trotternish peninsula of the Isle of Skye in Scotland.Local legend states that the rock formation was once a man who was turned to stone as punishment for his wicked deeds. 

“Another legend says that the Old Man of Storr was a warrior who was turned to stone by a fairy after he tried to capture her. Despite the many legends and myths surrounding the Old Man of Storr, it is ultimately a natural rock formation that has been shaped and weathered by the elements over time. It’s composed of a large, weathered pinnacle of basalt that rises up from the ground and is surrounded by smaller rocks. It’s that craggy look, though, that surely gave rise to the legends.”

The photograph came from Vicki T. Held of Brevard, N.C., via Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill. 

Liam McGovern, Knoxville, Tenn., told us: “The Old Man of Storr is one of Skye’s most iconic and most popular hikes. It’s no surprise that  more than one folk story has grown around this uniquely shaped pinnacle rock. The most popular legend tells us that Skye was once a land of giants.”

Others recognizing the photo were Susan Bacon of Lawrenceville; Alan Peel, San Antonio, Tex.; Stew Ogilvie, Lawrenceville; and Donna Garrison, Town Creek, Ala.

  • SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.