MYSTERY PHOTO: Swooping roof line stamps this as unusual photo

Check out the distinctive swooping roof in today’s Mystery Photo. Not many buildings are like this one, so where is it?

The last edition’s mystery was recognized by several persons. Sara Rawlins of Lawrenceville wrote:It’s a non-billboard sign called Non-sign II, located between the U.S. in Washington state border and Canada. It comes from an art collective called Pencil Studio located in Seattle, Wash. It is composed of small metal rods to create a negative space so it frames nature all around it. The sculpture wants to take the attention away from all the billboards on the roadways and put the interest back on nature as you travel down the highway.” The photograph was made by Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill when on a recent visit to the West Coast.

Others spotting it correctly (and several thought it was something else) included 

Jay Altman, Columbia, S.C. who said it was: “A billboard tp increase environmental awareness and acknowledge the benefits of the Clean Air Act; .; George Graf, Palmyra, Va.:   Palmyra, Va.; Ruthy Lachman Paul, Norcross; Allan Peel, San Antonio, Tex., who wrote “At 30-foot-tall and 50-foot-wide, the woven metal sculpture looks a lot like a billboard, except where you expect to see an ad, there is literally nothing but sky. The piece of art was commissioned by the federal General Services Administration (GSA) and created by a Seattle-based partnership of Annie Han and Daniel Mihalyo, collectively known as Lead Pencil Studio in 2010.”

  • SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.