MYSTERY PHOTO: It takes lots of care to keep up this gorgeous garden

Today’s Mystery Photo is a gorgeous garden, which takes lots of tender care from the people tending it. There may be no clues from the vegetation, so this could be difficult to determine. Send your thoughts of where this garden is located to and be sure to include your hometown.

The last mystery photo was the shield of the City of Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. It is apparently on several buildings within the city.  George Graf of Palmyra, Va. gave this account: “Knew this one right away from the three “X’s”.  The three crosses of St. Andrew denote the three virtues of the city: valor, firmness and mercy, and their connection with the three threats to this city is widespread among the people: water, fire and epidemic. This is the Walekerkpoort gate.  This Ancient gate was built in 1616 by Hendrick de Keyser, functioning as an exit gate from the Waalse church for funeral processions, hence the skulls. The gate was renovated around 2006, skulls that had disappeared from the original were added once more, and then again in 2014, a crown was added and the skulls were placed lower.” 

The photograph came from Chuck Paul of Norcross.

Others recognizing it include Molly Titus, Peachtree Corners; Jay Altman, Columbia, S.C.; Lou Camerio, Lilburn; Laura Goode, Santa Rosa, Calif.; Susan McBrayer, Sugar Hill; a Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex.; and Lindsay Borenstein, of Atlanta.  

  • SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.


Five members of same family join local SAR chapter

It was a momentous event in its 24-year history when the Button Gwinnett Chapter, National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, inducted five members from three generations of the Stoecker family recently. Although it is not uncommon to induct new members, it is unusual for five members from one family to join together. From left are Chapter SAR President, Tom Jacques; new members Benjamin Stoecker, Winston Law, John W. Stoecker, Christopher Stoecker and John C. Stoecker, plus Georgia State Society SAR President Dr. David Ludley, who was also the guest speaker on the topic of “Colonial and Revolutionary Art and Related Works.” John Stoecker’s father was also a SAR member, having first joined the Children of the American Revolution (CA.R.) in 1923 at the age of eight. Their common Revolutionary War Patriot is Thomas Helm, a lieutenant in the 3rd Virginia Regiment in Capt. Philip Francis Lee’s Company under Colonel Thomas Marshall.
