MYSTERY PHOTO: More sunshine would brighten up this building. Where is it?

Lots of shade from trees kept sunshine from brightening up this facility, but where is this Mystery Photo?  Send your answer to and include your hometown. 

First in with the correct answer to the recent Mystery Photo was Lynn Naylor, Norcross: “Built in 1936, the ‘Chapel on the Rock,’ officially known as St. Catherine of Siena Chapel, is one of the most important landmarks of Colorado. Located just outside of Rocky Mountain National Park near Allenspark, it owes its construction to Monsignor Joseph Bosetti who in 1916 came upon the cliff while trying to locate the impact site of a meteorite. Upon seeing the rock formation, Bosetti was reminded of Matthew 16:18, which reads: ‘Upon this rock I’ll build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ He spent the following 20 years trying to turn his vision into reality, thanks to land donated by local landowners Mr. and Mrs. Malo and to the design of Denver architect Jacques Benedict. In 1993 Pope John Paul II visited the chapel as part of his trip to Denver to attend World Youth Day and spent some time hiking in the nearby trails of Camp St. Malo, which were later named John Paul II Trail in his honor. See photo for another setting of the chapel.”

Another view

The photo came from Charles Anderson of Lawrenceville, who wrote: “We knew nothing of it, we were just out riding and came upon it. An incredible surprise!”

George Graf of Palmyra, Va. adds: “During almost a century of service, the Chapel has withstood fires, landslides, and other natural disasters that devastated the surrounding area but managed to spare the church.”

Others recognizing this photo include Stewart Ogilvie, Lawrenceville; Jay Altman, Columbia, S.C.; Lou Camerio, Lilburn, who said: “The photo makes it look like it is on a high mountain site, but it is actually sitting next to a stream.”; Susan McBrayer, Sugar Hill; Sara Rawlins, Lawrenceville; Virginia Klaer, Duluth; and Allan Peel, San Antonio, Tex. 


Youth cartoonists wanted to submit their work

GwinnettForum is looking to encourage cartooning by Gwinnett youth. If you know of any students who can draw well, and can dream up outlandish and funny ideas in a cartoon format, they should submit three of their drawings. The sample cartoons to determine those selected should be submitted in a horizontal, black-and-white format by email, to be sent by email to More than one cartoonist might be selected, anticipating that GwinnettForum would show one cartoon in each edition.

Deadline for submission will be Feb. 14, 2023. GwinnettForum will compensate the winner who can produce cartoons on  a regular basis.
