MYSTERY PHOTO: Tell us where you think this Statue of Liberty is located

Replicas of the Statue of Liberty can be found in many places in the United States. A half-size replica can be seen in Brooklyn, New York at its Art Museum. This photograph is not in Brooklyn. So, can you identify where this particular Statue of Liberty is located?  Send your answers to and include your hometown. 

Growing up in Macon, perhaps Lou Camerio of Lilburn had a slight advantage when competing in  the last Mystery Photo contest. He correctly identified the Newton Chapel on the campus at Mercer University in Macon. The structure was once known as Tattnall Square Baptist Church before Mercer purchased the building as an additional chapel. The photograph came from the Mercer public relations department. 

Others recognizing the photo were Robert Foreman, Grayson; Jim Savadelis, Duluth; George Graf of Palmyra, Va. and Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex. Peel wrote: “The chapel was named in honor of Louie De Vote Newton (1892 -1986), a Baptist minister, author, vice president of the Baptist World Alliance, as well as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1947–1948. The structure was originally built in 1894.  It is most famous for its Plunkett-Sewell Memorial Organ, a 52-rank tracker pipe organ made by Holtkamp and commissioned by the Plunkett-Sewell family. It is, in fact, one of the largest organs of its kind on the Eastern Seaboard, and is responsible for establishing Mercer University as a center for organ performance and teaching.”
