Check out this fall scene showing a traditional building against a blue sky. Your job is to tell us where this photograph was taken. Send your answer to, and include your hometown.
The last Mystery Photo came from the smooth lens of Bruce Johnson of Lawrenceville, and was a view of Trahlyta Lake and the surrounding mountains in Vogel State Park, approximately eight-miles south of Blairsville, Ga., as Allan Peel of San Antonio, Texas described. The wooden building in the distance is the park’s group shelter, which offers amenities including a kitchen, restrooms, and picnic tables, all with scenic views of the lake and surrounding mountains. The shaded mountain peak in the center of the photo is Wolfpen Ridge, the site of Vogel Overlook, and the mountain further in the background is Blood Mountain, which also offers another scenic overlook.
“Founded in 1931, Vogel State Park is the second-oldest state park in Georgia (the oldest is Indian Springs State Park in Flovilla). The land was donated to the state in 1927 by August H. Vogel (1862–1930) and Fred Vogel, Jr. (1851–1936) of Milwaukee, Wis. The two brothers were heirs to the Pfister and Vogel Leather Company, a Wisconsin tannery founded by Frederick Vogel (1823–1892). The Vogel family harvested bark from oak and hemlock trees located on land they owned in North Georgia, including the land that is now Vogel State Park. The bark was shipped to their leather tanning facilities in Wisconsin. But because of increasing demand during World War I, a synthetic method to tan leather was developed, thereby eliminating the need for North Georgia forest resources, so the Vogels gave their land to the state of Georgia to create the state park.”
Other readers recognizing the photo included Tracy Brookshire, Duluth; George Graf, Palmyra, Va.; Stewart Ogilvie, Rehobeth, Ala.; and Judy Knox McCorkle, Duluth.
- SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO: If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!) Click here to send an email and please mark it as a photo submission. Thanks.
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