MYSTERY PHOTO: Check out this mobile and tell us where it is

Here’s a mobile.  It’s somewhat famous. Can you determine where it is located? Try your hand at this, then send your answer to, and include your hometown.

The answer to the last Mystery Photo came in several ways. First to answer was Elaine Still of Braselton, who wrote: This is a photo of the statue of Harriet Tubman located on the campus of Ohio State University.  She definitely needed to take a little rest, having worked her entire life, first to help abolish slavery, then to assist those who were freed from slavery.  She was a remarkable woman who at times risked her life to help bring an end to a very dark period of our history.”

Elaine  was somewhat right, but that statue was found in other spots as well. That particular photo of the statue was taken by George Graf of Palmyra, Va. when he visited in Suwanee.   He wrote: “This is a bronze sculpture of Harriet Tubman seated on a park bench in Suwanee. She is poised with a relaxed posture, her right arm resting along the back of the bench and holding a lantern, while her left hand holds a walking stick.” Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill recognized the statue in Suwanee.

Jay Altman of Columbia, S.C. found the statue “…in Howard Park, South Bend, Ind. Another  statue is also in Dallas, Tex.”

Finally, Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex. wrote: “Today’s mystery photo is of a bronze statue called the Harriet Tubman Bench.  It was created by Idaho native sculptor Gary Lee Price as part of his Great Contributors Collection.  It is now part of the Suwanee SculpTour 2022-2024 outdoor art exhibit.

“Harriet Tubman (1822-1913) was an American abolitionist and social activist that was instrumental in rescuing approximately 70 enslaved people using a network if antislavery activists and safe houses known collectively as the Underground Railroad. According to Price, he sculpted Tubman sitting on a bench with a lantern and pistol in one of her rare moments of repose, in order for viewers to sit on the bench with her and discuss her extraordinary bravery, courage and great contributions to mankind.”

  • SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.