MYSTERY PHOTO: Sometimes,  you just want to sit down and rest

Apparently on a night mission, this person in the Mystery Photo is taking a rest. See if you can determine where this statue is placed, and why. Send your ideas to, and include your  hometown.

Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex. spotted the recent Mystery Photo, which came from Rick Krause of Lilburn.  Allan wrote: “Today’s photo is of the Pioneer’s Palace, located in the wealthy neighborhood of Vista Alegre in Santiago De Cuba, the capital of Cuba’s southeastern Santiago de Cuba Province. Known also as the Bacardi Mansion, the palace was once home to the Bacardi family, descendants of Don Facundo Bacardí Masó (1813–1886), founder of the Bacardi Rum Distillery in 1862. The house was commissioned by Jose “Pepín” Bosch in 1898–1994. Bosch initially supported Fidel Castro’s revolution against the Batista regime but later fled Cuba after the government seized Bacardi’s assets in 1960. Bosch relocated Bacardi’s operations to the U.S., Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, and The Bahamas, successfully securing the company’s trademarks and yeast strain.

“Today, the Pioneer’s Palace functions as a school and social center where children learn about Cuban history and receive vocational training in fields like electronics, music, and veterinary services.”

Also recognizing the photo were  Jay Altman, Columbia, S.C.; Stewart Ogilvie, Rehobeth, Ala.; and George Graf of Palmyra, Va. 

  • SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.