FOCUS: Explaining how fascism helps confuse today’s argument

By Ashley Herndon

OCEANSIDE, Calif.  |  Fascism is the precise opposite of democracy. The people run a democracy, but a fascist government runs the people. Remember that in November. The result will be either freedom and democracy…or kowtowing to authoritarians and strong-arm rule of the few with ‘one’ having ultimate overriding authority. My way or the highway, in contemporary American parlance.


Fascists in America may differ slightly from fascists in other countries, but there are a number of attitudes and practices that they have in common. Following are three examples.

Every person who has one of these characteristics is not necessarily a fascist. But he/she is in a mental state that lends itself to the acceptance of fascist aims and propaganda.  It is taking the form of Christo-fascism as an accompanying theme.

First of all, pitting of religious, racial, and economic groups against one another in order to break down national unity is a device of the ”divide and conquer” technique used by Hitler to gain power in Germany and in other countries, with slight variations, to suit local conditions. Fascists everywhere have used this Hitleresque method.

In many countries, anti-Semitism is a dominant device of fascism. In the United States, native fascists have often been anti-Catholic, anti-Jew, anti-African, anti-Labor, anti foreign-born.

In South America, the native fascists use the same scapegoats except that they substitute anti-Protestantism for anti-Catholicism.

Interwoven with the ”master race” theory of fascism is a well-planned ”hate campaign’‘ against minority races, religions, and other groups. To suit their particular needs and aims, fascists will use any one or a combination of such groups as a convenient scapegoat.

 Secondly: Fascism cannot tolerate such religious and ethical concepts as the ”brotherhood of man” or “All people are created equal.” Fascists deny the need for international cooperation. These ideas contradict the fascist theory of the ”master race.” The brotherhood of man implies that all people regardless of color, race, creed, or nationality have rights. International cooperation, as expressed in the Dumbarton Oaks proposals, runs counter to the fascist program of war and world domination.

In place of international cooperation, the fascists seek to substitute a perverted sort of Ultra Secular or Christian Nationalism which tells their people that they are the only people in the world who count.

With this goes hatred, contempt, and suspicion toward the people of all other nations. Now our native fascists are spreading anti-Ukraine, anti-NATO, and anti-United Nations propaganda. They know that allied unity now foretells the certain defeat of fascism abroad. They know that post-World War II allied unity meant world peace and security. They realize that fascism cannot thrive or grow under these conditions.

Thirdly, it is accurate to call a member of a communist party a “Communist.”  For short, they were often called ‘Reds.” Today anti-democratic mouthpieces use indiscriminate pinning of the label “Red” on people and proposals to which they are opposed, and use it as a common political device. But now the Neo-Fascists use “Red” as an adjective describing themselves! Can you believe it? Foreign and native Fascists now use “Socialist” as a slur, since they claim the Red moniker as being a good thing.

If we ever needed it, more than ever now, we need God to save the USA.
