BRACK: Is it possible that soon we’ll have a female president?

Harris. File photo.

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

JULY 23, 2024  |  Wow! What a presidential year it is becoming!

The Republicans left their Milwaukee convention  thinking they were on a roll, only to be immediately upstaged by President Biden throwing his support to Kamala Harris for president. The political winds can shift so quickly!

Obviously, the president’s ability to continue the race must mean that his health is far worse than we realized.  We feel for him. We had  anticipated that Mr. Biden could come out victorious and win again.  But after first one Democrat, then another, and another, urged him to leave the race, he relatively quickly made his decision.

So once again Donald Trump may be running against a woman. Besides the obvious fact that he is now a convicted felon, and his many other drawbacks, running against a woman a second time will come out far different than in 2016. In 2024, he will be  running at a time when a majority of women don’t want the government telling them what they can and cannot do with their bodies. In somewhat of a turn-around, The Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade is now making the presidential race harder for the GOP.

If Kamala Harris is at the head of the Democrat’s ticket, this is even more reason for the women of American to back her solidly for president.  And she will win.

Other major countries have seen women be successful as their leaders. You knew that it can  eventually happen in the United States. And all  of a sudden, the United States is near  the threshold of having a woman as its leader. We are brightened at the prospects.

While last week, political onlookers were wondering who Mr. Trump might pick as his running mate. Many were surprised at his choice of Sen. J.D. Vance, mainly because of Vance’s  lack of depth in political office. We were also surprised that he would pick as his choice someone so young as he is, at 39, as a nominee for vice president.

So now, less than a week later,  suddenly people are wondering who will be a vice presidential running mate, this time the Democrats. Many Democrats must be under consideration, most of whom would be flattered! And who is to say it must be a man. Now, wouldn’t that be another bang of a surprise.

With Biden bowing out of the race now, the Democrats  can talk about age. Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964, making her age 59. Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946, making him 78 years old. Should he win a second term, by the time he finished that term, he would be older that  Joe Biden, who is now 81 years old. The GOP has lost the advantage in talking about age.  Do we want to elect an older person, at 78, once more?

Joe Biden has served admirably. His accomplishments are many:  historic investments in rebuilding our nation, lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, expanding affordable health care, providing care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances, passing the first gun safety law in 30 years, appointing the first African American woman to the Supreme Court and passing significant climate legislation. Whew!

We anticipate Kamala Harris can continue these efforts. 

It’s a major turn of events that our country has never seen before. Remember LBJ’s televised bombshell? “I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.”

Boy, oh, boy, again, the times are changing! 
