BRACK: Bulk of Americans can see through Trump debate lies

By Robert Ariail, courtesy Charleston City Paper.

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

JULY 2, 2024  |  Watching presidential debates is not high on my agenda. Most years, these debates do little for real news, and serve mostly as arguments between  the vying candidates.  

But for 2024, I sat for nearly two hours and listened to Donald Trump and Joe Biden.  

From the debate, here are two major thoughts:

  1.  Donald Trump was as unbelievable as I thought he would be.
  2. Joe Biden stumbled at first, but consistently came up with an amazing variety of facts that were spot-on, and showed his mind is alert. It was amazing that he could remember all that!

One way to look at the debate is to fact check what the candidates said. We found that CNN produced a thorough fact check of this debate. In it, CNN scored it 30-9, as Donald Trump misspoke on 30 occasions and Joe Biden was off-base with his facts nine times. 

Some key points in the CNN analysis: 

Trump’s repeated falsehoods included his assertions that: 

Biden made at least nine false or misleading claims in the debate. He: 

  • Used false numbers while describing two of his key Medicare policies, 
  • Falsely claimed that no US troops had been killed on his watch, 
  • Repeated his usual misleading figure about billionaires’ tax rates, 
  • Baselessly claimed that Trump wants to eliminate Social Security, 
  • Falsely said that the unemployment rate was 15 percent when he took office, 
  • Inaccurately said that the Border Patrol union had endorsed him before clarifying that he was talking about agents’ support for the border bill he had backed, and 
  • Exaggerated Trump’s 2020 comments about the possibility of treating Covid-19 by injecting disinfectant.

For details of this analysis, go to this link.

But what have we seen?  The Eastern-packed media, and many Democrats, suddenly panicked after Biden’s early stumbling. It’s as if they were already waiting to call Joe aside and say “Don’t run,” with the debate giving them their chance. Even the august New York Times,  and the suddenly-finding-its-voice Atlanta Journal Constitution, were calling for Joe Biden to get out of the race. Unmitigated  panic!

Why should Joe Biden get out of the race? We have enough faith in the American people to feel that the bulk of Americans in this country who see through the bombast and blunder of Donald Trump and his threatening to become a dictator. Joe Biden has continued to guide this country as the preeminent economic and military power in the entire world, and it’s going to remain that way. The people of the United States have  our problems, but we are not a failing nation because of the current leadership.

A majority of Americans are smart enough to realize this, and will bring our country back in line by rejecting the Trump lies, philosophy and his return. So, settle down America, and hold on for a wild ride.
