MYSTERY PHOTO: Locate where this functional structure is

This seems to be a functional building where there are no mountains. Give it a try on determining where it is located, and why it is being featured in this issue. Send your  guess to, and include your hometown. 

There was considerable confusion about the last Mystery Photo, since two bridges near one another look somewhat similar. The confusion started when a mystery photo was submitted by Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill, and she at first incorrectly identified the bridge. Once published, she questioned which bridge on seeing it, saying: “The mystery photo is Bourne Bridge. I first identified it as the Sagamore Bridge. The upshot is that the two bridges going into Cape Cod are almost identical!  And they are both in Bourne, Mass. The bridges have the same stone entrances and the photos are similar except for the light fixtures. The Bourne Bridge has three light poles on each side before you reach that metal archway and the Sagamore Bridge has only one on each side. 

Ruthy Lachman Paul of Norcross realized the problem: “Sagamore  Bridge is one of two similar bridges of very beautiful design over the Cape Code canal. The Mystery Photo one is Bourne Bridge that carries on Route 28 across the Cape Cod Canal, connecting Cape Cod with the rest of Massachusetts. Sagamore Bridge Is the one that carries traffic on Route 6  across the Cape Cod Canal.”

Correctly identifying the photo were George Graf of Palmyra, Va., Stew Ogilvie of Lawrenceville, and on a second try, Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex., who wrote: “Today’s mystery photo is of the Boerne Bridge that carries Route 28 across the Cape Cod Canal, connecting Cape Cod with the rest of mainland Massachusetts. It is one of two bridges that were built between 1933 and 1935 to replace an aging drawbridge so that the canal could later be widened between 1935 and 1940.

“The Boerne Bridge is a 2,384-foot long arch bridge with a suspended deck and a 135-foot clearance above the Cape Cod Canal. It uses the same design as the smaller, 1,408-foot Sagamore Bridge that also crosses the canal, just three miles northeast of the Boerne Bridge. Once the canal was built, Cape Cod (which was technically a peninsula) became an island, and these two bridges (together with the nearby Cape Cod Canal Railroad Bridge), became ‘Gateways to Cape Cod.’”

  • SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.


New doctors from PCOM have happy smiles

There are more new graduates of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in Suwanee. The new medical graduates on May 21 heard as their commencement speaker Nick Masino, president and CEO of the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce. He told the graduates: : “Enjoy life, smile, take your work seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously.” Following graduation, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine graduates will begin their residencies in various specialties, including family medicine, internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, anesthesiology, and other fields. GwinnettForum usually identifies people in photographs,  but these names were not available. But look at their smiles! That tells the story. They are happy graduates.
