ANOTHER VIEW: Liz Cheney would make a good candidate—as a Democrat

By Raleigh Perry

BUFORD, Ga.  |  Many of my ideas go in one side of my head and out the other in a giga-second.  One stuck the other day and I have been unable to get rid of it. I have to admit that this might seem like a bizarre idea, but I think it will work.  


I think everyone is aware that President Biden’s age might be a serious problem.  I am not one of those, my brain is not dead, and I am older than Biden by about a year, maybe a little more.  But the thoughts about the age problem will carry some weight and that started the gears between my ears to turning.

The one idea that has been rattling around in my head for a few days might just be the best way to handle the situation of who to run for president. Since besides Biden there is no obvious overwhelming Democratic choice, I feel that people should go to visit Liz Cheney and convince her to change from Republican to a Democrat and press her into service as a Democratic candidate for president.  

She is incredibly smart, attractive, articulate and possesses a plethora of positive virtues.  She is a conservative, which she inherited from her father, but that, to me, does not create a problem.  A conservative Democrat with her qualities can rip votes away from both the Republican Party and the Independents.  


Why run her as a Democrat? Everyone on the Republican side thinks that it is the Democrats that run the national debt up. That, however, is not quite true.  As a matter of fact, in saying that all the time, the GOP is again just blowing smoke.  The Republicans are the ones that when they are in the White House, drive the national debt up. There’s been a balanced budget only twice in the past half-century: President Lyndon Johnson did it in 1969, and President Bill Clinton from 1998 to 2001

As for the vice presidential candidate, Ms. Cheney could find a moderate Democrat to run alongside her for balance. They are out there. I think that a mixed ticket would settle things down a bit in Washington. I would even accept Adam Kinzinger, the other Republican on the January 6th committee.  However, a moderate Democrat, younger than those old codgers, would be the best. 

Our country is in political disarray like no time that I remember, worse than in the Depression. Nothing has really been accomplished since this Congress has been in session. 

I also foresee a lot of Democrats sweeping into office in the next election, mainly because of the abortion issue.  

Let me also bring up that if one of the Republican candidates runs that under the tow of the Heritage Foundation, there will be an attempt to turn this government from one which is democratic into one that is authoritarian.  I admonish everyone to go to the Internet and look up Project 2025, as proposed by the Heritage Foundation. Reading what they are trying to accomplish will scare you.  It is a danger that we could have to live with.  

What do you think?  Your view on Liz as a Democrat for president?
