ANOTHER VIEW: Actions of presidential children bring disgrace to the office

 “If Republicans are going to say this about Hunter Biden, then where’s the other side of this?” –  Joe Scarborough, MSNBC host. 

By Jack Bernard, contributing columnist

PEACHTREE CITY, Ga.  |  The U.S. House Oversight Committee, run by right-wing Republicans, has publicly declared war on Joe and Hunter Biden, aggressively pursuing its questionable investigations. But let’s be real. Hunter is unquestionably a total bum, playing on his family name. However, so are the Trump kids, if anything, more so. And, despite GOP screaming, absolutely nothing has ever been proven to show that Joe Biden has done anything wrong. 

Still, Hunter Biden cheated on his taxes. Plus, he had a gun, even though he was a drug user. And, based on numerous reports, he probably peddled influence, pressuring his foreign contacts based on his name. 

On the other hand, the Trump kids also have questionable actions: 

  • Federal nepotism laws presumably should have prevented Trump children from benefiting from their father’s position. But this law was ignored by them. 
  • Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, got $2 billion from the Saudis to start up his hedge fund. He has absolutely no investment background that would warrant this infusion of money. The Saudis were obviously investing simply to buy Trump’s goodwill. 
  • Kushner’s family real estate company, in trouble financially, received a number of questionable loans from various foreign lenders (including Qatar) while Jared was in a White House advisory position. These loans were given at favorable rates at a time of severe need by the Kushner family companies.  
  • While a White House adviser, Kushner sought Chinese and Qatari investors to finance a key Kushner Company property (666 Fifth Avenue). 
  • Ivanka, Trump’s daughter, obtained lucrative business deals with the Chinese when her Dad was engaged with the Chinese president. These deals included 16 trademarks for very profitable Chinese “fashion accessories” like shoes and women’s handbags. 
  • Donald Jr., Trump’s oldest son, negotiated deals for resorts planned for Indonesia and investments in India, all while his father was in office.  
  • Son Eric Trump cost taxpayers a tremendous amount of money by visiting Trump properties overseas, including in Scotland. 

In a recent New York fraud action,“the Attorney General’s office is seeking $250 million in damages and to permanently ban the ex-president, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, from ever running a business in New York again, among other penalties.”  This suit has not yet been resolved and Trump has invoked the Fifth  Amendment against self-incrimination an amazing 400 times. 

One organization calculated that Donald Trump had 3,000 conflicts of interest while in office, many involving his children). 

The bottom line is that there is no question that both Biden and Trump have spoiled, rotten kids. But linkages between them and their off-spring’s questionable activities are still up in the air. 
