MYSTERY PHOTO: A flowing water fountain in moonlight

A water fountain in the moonlight is this edition’s Mystery Photo.  Can you figure out where this photograph was taken?  Tell us, if you can. Send your ideas to and include your hometown.

The last mystery photo proved recognizable to several people. First in was Barbara Dawson, Dahlonega: “As a retired librarian, you stole my heart with this mystery. It’s the Rijksmuseum Research Library, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In researching for the answer, I came across photos of a library here and there that pictured what I think were card catalogs.  Can’t help myself —  love ’em, a tool of a slower pace of life.”   The photo came from Bruce Johnson of Lawrenceville.

Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex. supplied some added information: “There are wrought iron railings and a swirling staircase that spans four stories high (clearly visible in the center-right of the mystery photo). The large skylight above the library’s reading room meant visitors didn’t need candles or gas lamps to read during the daylight hours. Additionally, the upper sections of the walls were painted in light colors to reflect as much light as possible.”

Also nailing this mystery were Stew Ogilvie, Lawrenceville; Lindsay Borenstein, Atlanta; Jay Altman, Columbia, S.C.; George Graf, Palmyra, Va.; Bill McLees, Norcross; Michael Gagnon, Flowery Branch; Susan McBrayer, Sugar Hill; Lou Camerio, Lilburn; and Brent Vinke of Lawrewnceville.

  • SHARE A MYSTERY PHOTO:  If you have a photo that you believe will stump readers, send it along (but  make sure to tell us what it is because it may stump us too!)  Send to: and mark it as a photo submission.  Thanks.


Patchwork is open at Hudgens Center through July 22

Patchwork is a solo exhibition at the Hudgens Center for Art and Learning by Atlanta-based artist Krista Jones, who is best known for her vibrant pattern-based murals and complex canvas paintings. The exhibit features large-scale paintings, smaller works, soft relief sculptures and installations. The exhibit is on view in the Hudgens’ Fowler Gallery through July 22. The Jones exhibit features aspects of expressionism, cubism and abstraction, with a tendency toward deformation and dislocation of shapes and subject matter.
