ANOTHER VIEW: Send GwinnettForum your favorite Southern phrases

By Will Nelson

BUFORD, Ga.  |  I like Southern phrases.  Perhaps after reading this, GwinnettForum readers will bite and send in some Southern phrases of their own.  I would like to hear from others with their favorite phrases.

Here are a few I will offer. Some of mine are perhaps more inspirational – at least for me. Below are a few I will offer off the top of my mind.

“God-willing and the creek don’t rise.”

“Better a poke in the eye than with a sharp stick.”

“If it ain’t fried, it ain’t food.” 

“Two butt kitchen” or “Three butt kitchen,” signifying how many people could be in the kitchen at one time.

“If we ain’t got it, or can’t get it, you don’t need it.” (Sign at a salvage yard.)

“The mill cannot grind with the water that is past.” (Younger folks may not make the connection.)

“Little deeds are like little seeds; they turn to flowers or to weeds.”

“Excelsior higher and higher, but only step by step.”

“Barking up a tree with no squirrels.”

Now, what’s yours?
