FOCUS: Is corporate greed the source of many of our problems?

“Greed needs Guardrails”! – Robert Reich.

By Ashley Herndon

OCEANSIDE, Calif.  |  This expansion of greed needs journalists and the owners of media to take notice and act.  Where are Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Jack Anderson, and William Serrin in today’s media? My best guess is the current corporate owners will not hire them unless they lie like the actors under the thumb of people like Fox, Newsmax, One America and ilk.  There is enough muck out there just waiting for the next class of muckrakers.  It is time to “Get ‘er done!”


However, elected officials like DeSantis, Abbott, Noem, Haley, McCarthy, Jordan, and others have made and are trying to create regulations banning muckraker articles and expositions.  Can you imagine putting a teacher in jail while allowing dunces to walk around in public with battle grade armament and kill students and shoppers.  Gather the automatic weapon proponents and their guns, and allow those who feel they must own one to go help Ukraine.  That country needs them,

The decade of 100 years ago {1920-1929} is replaying itself in this century.

  • Example: migrant children coming into the United States from Latin America without their parents, who are fleeing violence and poverty, have ended up in some of the most punishing jobs in the country.  
  • Example: A not-properly-maintained train carrying dangerous chemicals derails, causing the toxic plume that is sickening people in East Palestine, Ohio.  
  • Example: Rather than investing in proper maintenance and intuitive internal improvements, too many corporations are buying back stock for personal gain.  It’s corporate gimme gimme gimme!

There are other examples in ever increasing numbers because of slashing federal and state regulations during the 1980s, the first decade of the 2000s, and guess what…continued under Donald J. Trump.   

Greed is making life dangerous for ever greater numbers of people while Kevin McCarthy and crew are dedicated to wanting to slash more safety and equitable solutions, even  Social Security and Medical assistance.  That is no surprise. Corporate personhood made greed legal and that has made life difficult and dangerous for ever greater numbers of people.  

Many, especially the Neo-Fascists hiding under the false guise of being Republicans, and posing for the corporate persons’ who bought them, and are committed to shifting costs and risks on to those who do the actual work.  This is merely because they need to build another vacation home or buy a bigger yacht.

Ask yourself, would you do the jobs in animal slaughterhouses for $30 to $50 an hour, much less the pitiful pay the children are receiving?

Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not surprised by a train wreck or of companies hiring children.  If the Neo’s hiding under the GOP tent had not supported massive cuts in regulations, such would not have occurred.  Greed, both personal and corporate, is making life dangerous and fearful for more average people.

Poverty is violence, bestowed upon living, breathing people by greed.

Poverty is on purpose. The philosophy of the Confederacy has not gone away.
