MYSTERY PHOTO: Many have seen this vehicle before; tell us about it

We’ll tell you in advance that many of you have seen this vehicle before. Now you tell us the rest of the story. Send your ideas to, including your hometown.

The most recent Mystery Photo drew several quick responses: Channing Haskell, Peachtree Corners; Jay Altman, Columbia, S.C.; Steve Ogilvie, Lawrenceville: “Edinburgh Castle.  Visited when I was a kid. My dad’s parents came from Dundee and he had an aunt and uncle who lived in Edinburgh. That summer we visited them twice;” Lou Camerio, Lilburn; George Graf, Palmyra, Va.; John Titus, Peachtree Corners; Michael Green of Milton; and from the Central Time Zone, Allan Peel, San Antonio, Tex. Haskell sent a view (at left) of one of the cannons at the Castle.

Peel wrote: “Today’s mystery photo is a shot of the Edinburgh Castle sitting high up on Castle Rock in the center of Edinburgh, Scotland. The Princes Street Gardens are actually two adjacent public parks that were created in the 1820s and are extremely popular with locals and tourists all year long, but especially during the flowering and budding spring season. The West Princes Street Garden is 29-acres in size, and is the larger of the two parks.

“The Edinburgh Castle is situated high on the top of Castle Rock which has been occupied by humans since at least the Iron Age (1200 BC – 550 BC), and the site has had a royal residential castle on the rock since at least the reign of David I in the 12th century. Since the 17th century it has been predominantly used as a large garrison with military barracks. Only a few of the present buildings pre-date the Lang Siege of the 16th century when the medieval defenses were largely destroyed by artillery bombardment.”


A NEW EATERY is coming to Peachtree Corners.  It is Henri’s Bakery and Deli, which already operates five locations in Metro Atlanta, originally established in 1929. The Gwinnett location will be at 5005 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 820, near the Ingles supermarket. Joel Keller, chief operating officer, said it is expected to open in April 2023.
