MYSTERY PHOTO: Distant shoreline asks for its location

Here’s a single clue to this issue’s Mystery Photo: it’s not around here. Figure out where this photo was taken, and send your answer to, including your hometown.

When is a Lighthouse not a Lighthouse? Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex. sent in the recent Mystery Photo, which he explains: “It is a miniature model of the Phare de la Pointe-Mitis (Translation: Pointe-Mitis Lighthouse), a lighthouse located in a small village of Métis-sur-Mer in Quebec, Canada. The roadside attraction is located on the grounds of the Place Petit Miami, a small restaurant whose owners installed the model as a way of enticing visitors to stop to check out the miniature model of the lighthouse, and hopefully go into the restaurant to enjoy some local food!”

Three eagle-eyes recognized it. They were George Graf of Palmyra, Va.; Lou Camerio of Lilburn; and Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill.  Here’s the full-sized version:
