ANOTHER VIEW: January 6 was similar to Germany’s Kristallnacht 

By Ashley Herndon

OCEANSIDE, Calif.  |  Posit One:  Authoritarians are like cancers. No matter what we do, both are always with us. We have yet to defeat either, only treat them. They are both killers and maimers. Both have a ‘recognizable indicator’ phase.


Posit Two:  There are Immutable Laws in the universe, social and physical, that always win.

My mother and grandmother were both very bright ladies who during periods of their lives taught school.  They were wise women who worked in vastly different environments, grandmother in a one room multi-grade Gwinnett County school, and mother (the first woman to attend Georgia Tech) taught math in public school of Muscogee County and then advanced math and atomic physics in the Westminster and Lovett Schools. She later was successful in real estate sales.  Both were widowed, grandmother with five children and mother with one. 

Both of these women taught the fact that our universe has certain Immutable Laws that must not be broken, whether social or physical.  If they are broken, there are consequences.  They believed and taught that each of us carry a particle of creation which sustains us, but can also, when misused or mismanaged, destroy us.  Six degrees or 100 degrees of separation matters not. We cannot afford to destroy our fellow mankind.

Some of these laws are not “fun” nor “pleasant.”  They simply “are” immutable. 

Today’s computer graphics have made a normal day dull to many.  Hence, they feel the need to over-extend their emotions.  A political rally ensuring hate and ear seems to jack some folks to wild outbursts, (i.e.,  9/11, January 6 and over 220 mass murders already this year alone).  Abiding by immutable laws is dull for a certain segment to share.  So they put on these “shows of ignorance, or is it stupidity?  The result January 6 shows, however, was seditious.  Immutable laws were broken, exposing a “recognizable indicator.”

From the visual replays we see on television, seditious people were having a gay old time attacking the world’s strongest effort at living in a democratic environment.  They just had to hurt someone, pushed to try to hang the vice president, and publicly execute the speaker of the House.  Wow!  (Did you read that this mob got within 40 feet of the vice president? That’s scary! How low can you go?  

Life in these United States is not a limbo contest.  It took fawning to fears and fanning flames born of mis-education to a new level. Some may claim that they were just having fun, and others blame it on a man who will not go down in history looking good, but will always be remembered for what he tried to incite.  But he will not be forgiven.

The pushing has led to shoving which has led to murder.  The authoritarian fascists are perfecting the cross-breeding of clowns and politicians, polluting the minds of some citizens like a necrotizing fasciitis and poisoning the surrounding flesh.

January 6 was America’s violent spectacle just like Germany’s Kristallnacht  (Night of broken glass) was in 1938.

Seditionists suspended normal standards of behavior, by direction.  The immutable was challenged…both January 6  and 1938 were hideous.

The Immutable Laws still stand.
