BRACK: Know a candidate? Make sure they contact the Forum soon

Know a candidate? Make sure they contact the Forum soon

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

APRIL 1, 2022  |  Do you, as a reader of GwinnettForum, personally know any of the current Gwinnett or statewide political candidates?

If you do, you can help GwinnettForum, and even moreso, you can be of major assistance to the candidate.   This time of year, we are spending 30 minutes with as many candidates as we can. That’s to evaluate their candidacy and determine which candidates GwinnettForum will endorse in the primary and general election.

The most difficult job is to set a time to meet with the candidates.  Many candidates do not realize how they can benefit from meeting with us. It’s not so much for them to get our endorsement. It helps  the candidates by giving them exposure to our readers. We ask that they answer six questions, which we will post on our website without any editing on our part.  That’s so the candidate can speak directly to the voter. That gives our readers a chance to view the candidate’s answers and compare candidates. It often results in the readers making up their minds for which candidate they will cast their vote.

Recognize that the candidate gets to do this without any cost to them. It’s GwinnettForum’s public service. However, the candidate is allowed to post on our website when, and only when, they spend 30 minutes with us face-to-face.

It’s often difficult to get on the candidates’ calendar. They are busy. Many statewide candidates have never heard of GwinnettForum. Even some Gwinnett candidates haven’t either (horrors!).  They don’t understand the ramifications and what they miss by not contacting us.  And remember, they get on our web site without any cost to them.

So, your job will be to get in touch with those candidates you know, and see if they have made contact with us. We must talk to the candidates who have opposition in the primary before April 22, our cut-off date. That gives us the required time to formulate their answers to put on the web three weeks prior to the primary voting for you to read.

By the time you read this, we will have talked to 49 candidates so far this season. But there must be nearly 200 out there. For instance, there are 28 candidates running for the four Gwinnett seats in the Congress. So far we’ve only met with six of these 28 candidates. 

As part of your reading the GwinnettForum, use your understanding and familiarity with candidates to help those running, by making sure they touch base with us in the next few days. We want to evaluate as many candidates as we can. 

The help of our readers in contacting candidates will mean we’ll have more candidates appearing on our website, and you’ll know more about them, and possibly, how to be a more informed voter.

It might be called a phenomenon.  These days nearly every political candidate has a website. But the names of their sites are all so similar!

What the candidates name their websites is often similar, for we see a pattern developing. Candidate after candidate in Georgia this year have named their website something similar to this: (name of candidate)  Or if not that, it’s ….(name)) or sometime ….(name)  We’ve counted 31 such web names for statewide candidates. It’s refreshing when you see a website name which is different from the same old “…”

No fooling. 
