ANOTHER VIEW: Having Alice is only good side of “Constitutional Carry”

By Raleigh Perry

BUFORD, Ga.  |  This country is going to hell in a handbasket. The tides will ebb and flow and other things will wax and wane but we are too close to the edge.  We are in an endless teeter.  


Governor Brian Kemp signed a bill on April 12 that will allow every citizen that is eligible, and there are some who are not, to own and carry a gun.  In the same paper telling us that, there was an article telling us that the homicide rate in Atlanta for the first part of the year ending April 12 is 31 percent higher than it was last year.  Up to yesterday, to have a concealed carry permit, you had to submit a form that went to a judge and was evaluated by data that the GBI has on you.  That is not necessary any more.  

While Kemp was signing that, a “deranged” man hopped on a subway in New York with an automatic pistol and some smoke grenades, shot some people before his pistol jammed and exploded the smoke grenades. I am not sure yet what type of smoke or gas was in those grenades.

If something like this was a rarity, it would be a different thing. But firearms use by deranged people is ever present today.  Data that I have from the Atlanta police the other day told me that, among the dead since the first of the year, are 25 babies or children.  Every day when you watch the evening news in Atlanta or read the morning paper, you read of new deaths caused by gunfire.  All of this and Governor Kemp was to add fuel to the fire with so-called “Constitutional Carry.”   

Just last week, it was announced that a multitude of guns has been tracked to New York City.  There is a regular path from Georgia gun stores to people who are taking them into New York.  That will just get worse. Georgia is not the only state now with its “Constitutional Carry.” (I suspect the Founding Fathers would consider that term crazy in today’s times.)

“Constitutional Carry” will, indeed, generate more gun thefts from cars because a lot of people, when they go into an office or so, leave their gun in the car, sometimes unlocked.  It will undoubtedly mean more guns in the airport. Atlanta already leads the nation in confiscated guns in the airport.  Ergo, more guns will result in more shootings.  

Most of the guns sold will be automatics.  What stopped the man on the subway from shooting was his automatic pistol jammed.  A jammed pistol’s only worth throwing at someone.   The reason automatic weapons  will exceed a simple revolver is because of expense: revolvers can be a lot more expensive, but they do not jam easily. 

Perhaps the good thing about all of these guns in people’s hands is that if we were invaded, the invading country would not know about this. Can’t you see  how Alice, walking down a broad street seeing an enemy soldier, pulls out her .357 Magnum and blows the man into another zip code?

That’s trying to see a good side of “Constitution Carry.” But it’s not worth it.
