MYSTERY PHOTO: It’s a tiny building, but something important happened here

It’s a small building, but an important event took place here. See if you can pinpoint where this photograph was taken, and tell us the importance of the building. Send your ideas to, and include your town where you live. 

Three photo-spotters, all regulars, recognized the most recent Mystery Photo.  Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill wrote: “This is Holy Trinity Church Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in Kiev, Ukraine. It is also known as the Kiev Monastery of the Caves. It’s an Eastern Orthodox Church and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.” Also identifying it was  George Graf of Palmyra, Va., and Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex., who wrote, saying: “As can been seen in the photo, the church sits atop the Holy Gates, the main entrance to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra (also known as the Kiev Monastery of the Caves), a historic Eastern Orthodox Christian monastery built in 1051. The Gate Church of the Trinity was originally built in 1106-1108 as a Kievan Rus’ style church, but has been destroyed and reconstructed many times throughout its long history. In its current form, the church is built in a Ukrainian Baroque style. Let’s all hope that this ornate UNESCO site remains intact and is not destroyed yet again by the Russian forces that are surrounding Kiev today.”

The photo was contributed by Chuck Cimarik of Peachtree Corners.


Bird photos from Bali on display at L’ville Senior Center

Roving Photographer Frank Sharp is displaying his Bali Bird collection at the Senior Center in Lawrenceville at Rhodes Jordan Park. He made these photos in Bali, Indonesia in the past. These same photos were part of his exhibition at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History.  Sharp says: “Interestingly there are many bird parks in Asia, but few here. It is partly a cultural reason.  In the United States it is said that man’s best friend is the dog  but in Asia man’s best friend is the bird.”  
