MYSTERY PHOTO: You can see for miles from this mighty tower

Today’s mystery photo is of a soaring tower. No doubt visitors can take elevators to the top of this tower and see an unfolding vistas for miles. Your job is to tell where this tower is located. Send your ideas to and include your hometown.

And by the way, GwinnettForum is needing more mystery photos. Send in yours today and see if you can also stump our panel of readers.  

It doesn’t happen often, but the last Mystery Photo drew no responses whatsoever. When this happens, it often comes from a photograph that has not been seen anywhere on the internet.

The most recent mystery photo came from Ashley Herndon of Oceanside, Calif., and was taken near Tallulah Falls of the Athens, Ga. Valley of Youth YMCA camp. He says it is the second oldest YMCA camp in the country. 
