MYSTERY PHOTO: Clues abound, so where was this photo taken?

A goat, a hill, a road, some water: these are several clues to today’s Mystery Photo. We’ll give you one more clue: this is a dated photograph. Now your job: tell us where (and when?) this was taken. Send your answers to, and include your hometown.

We thought the last Mystery would be tough and it proved to be that way. Only Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex., identified the photo, which was sent in by George Graf of Palmyra, Va.

Peel writes:Today’s mystery is of the Parish Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (better known as Stadtpfarrkirche Mariae Himmelfahrt in its native language of German) in the historic center of Bad Tölz, in the Upper Bavaria region of Germany, approximately 26-miles south of Munich.

“The church has its earliest historical references in documents from the 13th century, after which it was redesigned and reconstructed over the centuries. According to a YouTube, the tower that is featured in today’s photo was built in 1466, but it was only crowned with its neo-Gothic spire in 1877. It has three Naves and several small chapels inside, each with a strikingly beautiful gilded Baroque altar. With many Renaissance tombs of noble families from the 16th and 17th centuries to be found inside the church, it attracts hundreds of tourists and locals, especially during the annual patronage feast of the Assumption of Our Lady.”
