When Lawrenceville was film version of Westchester, N.Y.

From the film

Editor, the Forum:

On August 19, 2015, the Gwinnett Historic Courthouse was a stand-in for the Westchester (New York) Municipal Building, in a film production entitled Sleepy Hollow. Click here to see scenes were filmed in the interior of the  former courthouse also. These photos were as close as I could get to one of the stars, Tom Mison.

I was just a fan and went to gawk. I was watching the activity from the sidewalk, standing for hours in the sun, on the East Crogan Street side.

My family moved to Duluth in 1983. I am originally from Atlanta. My parents, Harry and Mary Frances Shindelbower, had moved to Duluth in 1975 from Atlanta. My husband worked for Eastern Airlines in Miami. Foreseeing the impending end of Eastern, he quit and got a job with IBM in Atlanta. He decided to relocate us in Duluth so that our children could be near their grandparents.

Sleepy Hollow was a television series (2013-2017), originally filmed in North Carolina and moved to Georgia when Georgia’s film industry was growing. I can’t remember which episode this was, but it was for Halloween, season 3, I think. The Courthouse grounds and North Perry Street store fronts were decorated to reflect the season. Beautiful pumpkins abounded. This showed me how a location is decorated far and above what actually gets filmed.

— Miriam Machida, Watkinsville
