BRACK: Here’s how Joe Biden can ensure being the next president

By Elliott Brack
Editor and Publisher, GwinnettForum

MAY 15, 2020  |  Joe Biden hasn’t asked us for this advice, but we think we have a sure-fire way for him to ensure he will become the next president.

It has to do with his selection of his running mate, the person who would become vice president in his administration. 

He should pick Michelle Obama.

She is the most electrifying of Democratic women. She comes with no baggage and is admired by many Americans for the way she conducted herself as a First Lady, and for the way she is raising her children.

 She is 56, whip-smart, did well at prestigious colleges, is elegant and poised, has had a distinguished career as an attorney, and is comfortable with many of the leaders of the world.

Compared to the others mentioned for this position, she stands heads and shoulders above any of them.   She is someone who maintained a quiet dignity when her husband was president, and as it turns out, she is an excellent author who wrote a pretty compelling book. She says she has no interest in public office. Joe would need to convince her that the nation needs her now.

The selection would throw terror into what is the befuddled Trump camp. He would know that his presidency would be for only one term against this formidable duo of Biden and Obama.

Obviously, the selection would sew up any sideline Democrats, those not entirely satisfied with Joe Biden. Immediately the pair would look invincible. 

Some pollsters are saying that Biden has a lead over the sitting president.  Add in what would be probably 95 per cent of the African American vote, and you can anticipate the electoral college delegates casting their ballots for this team.

In a sense, such a historic selection would rank up there with the father-son Bush team. It also reminds us of how strong the two Roosevelt presidents were, people who were destined for glory. In this case, it would not only mean that Joe Biden would be president, but it would make Mrs. Obama the odds-on favorite to follow in his footsteps as the first female president. 

Then there’s the question of what Mr. Biden would do with former President Barack Obama.  Shades of Hillary Clinton!  Why, the husband of Mr. Biden’s running mate would be the obvious choice for Secretary of State. Mr. Obama would again make history. No former president has served in such capacity before. Mr. Obama is young enough, vital enough, admired, experienced and politically astute to easily represent the United States among world leaders. 

So far this year’s Democratic presidential race has seen a wealth of candidates, but no truly exciting candidates as was the run-up for Mr. Trump.  Mr. Biden eventually emerged as the  winner as all others fell out.  But even as such, his candidacy has not drawn the enthusiastic support that the Trump candidacy has among core Republican voters.  Biden appears to be ahead, not so much on what he has done, but more because of the ups-and-downs, the slow degradation of the Trump presidency.

But bring in Michelle Obama to the Democratic ticket?

Wow!  Excitement!  Energy! A perfect woman to be vice president and stimulate votes like no other person could.   

Improbable?  Not when you start comparing her to other possibilities. The big question becomes: could Joe Biden convince Michelle that she is the next great hope of the Democratic Party? Well, they probably are talking already. 

We bet Joe Biden can convince her. Look for the bombshell not too soon, but eventually! Michelle’s a winner!
