MYSTERY: Do the legs off the ground give you a clue?


Maybe the fact that the horse in this statue has its two front legs off the ground will give you a clue as to where this Mystery Photo is located. Maybe it won’t. Anyway, send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown.

16-1209-mysteryGranted, we thought last week’s Mystery Photo was easy, and tried to throw readers off with the comment about Asia. Of course, it didn’t fool any of our regular mystery photo sleuths. Bob Foreman of Grayson was first in, recognizing  “Strasbourg Cathedral, Notra Dame de Strasbourg, in Alsace France, one of the great Gothic cathedrals of Europe.”  The photo came from Donny Loeber of Norcross.

Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill also spotted the photo, as did the reliable George Graf of Palmyra, Va. shared this with us: “Here are five facts about Strasbourg:

  1. It is the capital city and principal town of the Alsace region in eastern France;
  2. It is the official seat of the European Parliament;
  3. It has an estimated population of some 300,000;
  4. It covers an area of 521 square miles; and
  5. The Romans established a town on the present site of the city and named it Argentoratum.”


Good fishing


You can almost hear this white shrimp screaming “Oh, noooo” as it is about to become lunch for this egret that was fishing recently along the tidal banks of the Ashley River in downtown Charleston. It’s been a good year for shrimp if you haven’t yet tasted this season’s delicacies.  Photo via CharlestonCurrents by Michael Kaynard, Kaynard Photography. 
