HOUSTON: Defends Trump by saying women talk dirty, too

By Debra Houston, contributing columnist |  It’s my firm belief that the Left created political correctness to censor the language of those who disagree with them. This is serious. We’re talking First Amendment here.

00_icon_houstonSo Donald Trump spoke in colorful language within the context of what he thought was private conversation 11 years ago. Are we women so delicate and easily offended that we’d disqualify him for president over locker room talk?

If you’re female and have ever enjoyed a “girls’ night out,” keep your false modesty to yourself. You know what you say about men and how you say it.

Reference if you will the old HBO program, “Sex and the City.” Its very premise was that whenever women get together, they talk as trashy as men. The main character, Carrie, and her fellow Manhattanite feminists, describe men in vile language for everyone to hear.

And yet, the Left lauded and celebrated the show.  Sometimes I’d watch and wonder why some liberal women feel free to trash men but would never stomach a man who trashes them.

Language is crude these days, like it or not. I don’t like it, but I do believe in free speech. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party use political correctness as a weapon against Republicans. Liberal media then drive home the Right’s “offense” because they think the public will believe anything if they hear it enough. That’s what is happening to Trump now.

I’ll never forget the time I had lunch with a group of women, and one friend said her boyfriend had cheated on her. We let her vent, but I’d heard enough when she stated,  “All men are dogs.”

“My husband is not a dog,” I said.

She knew my husband and agreed. “No, he’s not a dog.”

For those of you who love irony, get this — some men call “unattractive” women dogs.

Let’s be kind to animals and leave them out of it, even if we can’t be kind to one another.

One final question: Who died and made Hillary Clinton chief moralizer? In my opinion, she’s unfit for that office, too.
