By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | The Bible speaks to us on many present-day matters. Take a look at the first four verses from Psalms 36 (RSV):
I have a message from God in my heart
concerning the sinfulness of the wicked:
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
In their own eyes they flatter themselves
too much to detect or hate their sin.
The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
they fail to act wisely or do good.
Even on their beds they plot evil;
they commit themselves to a sinful course
and do not reject what is wrong.
Perhaps these verses can speak to you in some way.
This speaks to us concerning the 2016 presidential campaign. People everywhere recognize that this campaign has been like no other. We can only pray the nation will eventually benefit from the selection of the next president.
While we can respect the frustration many Americans feel about their current campaign, we cannot see how many people can support a candidate who we would have difficulties in negotiating with an enemy. Foreign leaders and everyday diplomats speak a language unto themselves, always offered in courtesy, always respecting one another, and always on an even keel. They also dwell on what appears to be small and trivial matters, often going to great length of time on such matters. They never seem to blow a fuse, but move along in a gentle, cordial atmosphere, even when disagreeing.
That’s the way it is in international circles. America needs a person in the position as head of our country who other leaders can have sustained dialogue, and who they can respect. One candidate in the race does not meet that criteria.
The next president, is also “commander in chief” of our military services. In this position, the commander must absorb loads of complicated and sensitive data, have the ability to absorb and understand that information, then move with dispatch to take action, or take no action. One candidate in the presidential race we feel cannot effectively meet this criteria.

Hillary Clinton. Photo by Gage Skidmore, courtesy Wikimedia.
A president also must be someone who has a manner who can get along with members of his own party, or the Congress, no matter which party might dominate. After all, government is a give-and-take process, with people working together. Having the personality to respect even while disagreeing with the Congress will determine whether this presidency’s administration moves this country forward.
When voting for a president, a major consideration is who will be in the cabinet, and who they will appoint to high office, especially the courts system. With there being a philosophical split on the Supreme Court, and with several aged justices, the next president’s appointees will be in significant positions. They will influence the country for years.
The United States needs a proven leader, not a person best known previously as a reality television personality and self-selected big-wig.
Hillary Clinton has positioned herself to become an able president, armed with years of on-the-line experience as a White House wife, an esteemed U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State. She is the best candidate to lead our country for the next four years.
We heartily endorse her candidacy.
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