HOUSTON: Who will hold Hillary Clinton accountable if she wins?

By Debra Houston  |  It was 1992. I sipped coffee with a friend in the break room at work. We chatted about the upcoming election between George H. W. Bush and a relatively unknown governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. I made a prediction. “If Clinton wins, there will be nothing but scandal after scandal.”

00_icon_houstonShe asked why, and I said, “Since he became governor, there’s been nothing but scandals.”

A year later she reminded me of what I had predicted and agreed I was correct. “How did you know?”

Dr. Phil was unknown back then, but I gave her a common sense Dr. Phil answer. “If you want to know how people will behave in the future, look at how they behaved in the past.”

Especially the Clintons.

I can’t list all the scandals. It would take a book. But from the Whitewater/banking scheme, to Hillary investing $1,000 in cattle futures and quickly earning $100,000 in return, from Hillary enabling Bill in controlling bimbo eruptions during campaigns, to renting out the Lincoln Bedroom for political contributions, from the Lewinsky scandal (in which Hillary declared was no more than a right wing conspiracy), to her pounding the desk during Benghazi hearings, asking, “What difference does it make, at this point?”— she and Bill have operated in a sphere of self-interest without allowing ethics to slow them down.

And no, I didn’t mention Bill lying under oath and the House of Representatives impeaching him.  At least he was punished. But never Hillary.

The most recent scandal, Server-Gate, further illustrates Hillary’s exceptional ability to lie. FBI Director James Comey confirmed she used a private email server and mishandled classified information, contrary to what she claimed during the primaries. Attorney General Loretta Lynch refused to pursue criminal charges against her — after Lynch and Bill met at an airport where they “discussed their grandchildren.”

So allow me to make another prediction. If Hillary wins, there will be scandal after scandal. If you’re voting for her, ask yourself who will hold her accountable once she becomes the most powerful person in the world. The answer is no one.
