MYSTERY: Blue skies, mountains, but not necessarily what you think


This Mystery Photo may surprise you, in several ways. There’s this large green space, the cars parked around it, and then in the distant, mountains, plus blue skies. Can you figure out where this is?  If so, send your idea to and include your hometown.

16.0329.mysteryLast edition’s Mystery Photo is as David McCulley of Johns Creek says: “…an entertainment complex of sorts.”  It is the Tarragona Amphitheatre, Tarragona, Spain, a photo sent to us by Donny Loeber of Norcross. Bob Foreman of Grayson also spotted it. So did Rob Keith of Peachtree Corners.

Ruthy Lachman Paul of Norcross explains the photo: “In Tarragona, Spin, this amphitheater was built in the Second Century AD by the Romans. Like other cities in the Roman Empire, this amphitheater also served as a center of cultural encounters and among other things took place in gladiatorial fights against wild animals. It has earned the recognition of Tarragona heritage site.”

George Graf of Palmyra, Va. adds: “It was built during the first and second centuries BC in the Catalonia region of north-east Spain.  At the time, Tarragona Amphitheatre was part of the Roman city of Tarraco, the remains of which are a UNESCO World Heritage site.  The amphitheatre was also the site of the martyrdom of Saint Fructuosus, bishop of Tarragona who was arrested during the persecutions of Christians under the Roman Emperor Valerian.  In the year 259, he and his two deacons, St. Augurius and St. Eulogius were questioned then burned at the stake in the amphitheatre.”

Some entertainment center, eh?
