HOUSTON: “Keep Bill under control this time, President Rodham!”

By Debra Houston   |  Around and around we go! Who will be president? Nobody knows!

It is near midnight, November 8. Except for Hawaii, polls have closed and states are trending blue. CNN projects a winner. A triumphant Hillary Clinton stands at the podium, shoulders squared. “You’ve had a President Clinton,” she declares. “Now you’ll have a President Hillary Rodham!”

00_icon_houstonIt’s not the surname switcheroo that concerns me. In fact, I think she should use her maiden name.  Makes history clearer about which Clinton we’re talking about? No, I’m worried she’ll be an ultra-liberal Barack Obama in a pastel pantsuit.

Yet equally troubling is a Trump win. The phrase “Loose lips sink ships” was custom-made for him. He said he’d nuke Europe to destroy ISIS. Imagine how that remark made our allies feel. He also put his foot in it when he said if abortion were illegal, he’d send women who had them to prison.

Seldom do the purveyors of American culture encourage a pregnant woman to  “Keep your baby. We’ll help you however we can.” Many victims, Donald, carry the emotional scars of abortion to their death. But didn’t he say he loved Planned Parenthood? Yes, but there are two Donalds, according to Dr. Ben Carson. There’s no way of knowing which one will show up on Inauguration Day.

John Kasich thinks he has a shot at the White House. The RNC has probably whispered something tantalizing in his ear about a brokered convention. Big mistake, RNC. Nominating Kasich would make Trump supporters angry enough to stay home on Election Day and we’d end up with Hillary Rodham.

Ted Cruz was never my first-choice candidate, but he has my attention now. Establishment Republicans disliked his maverick style in the Senate, but in the primaries, he was the only legitimate threat to Trump. Again, if Cruz is the nominee, can he stop Mrs. Clinton from metamorphosing into President Rodham?

Throw in Server-gate, the scandal Mrs. Clinton has hanging over her head, and things get even wilder. Perhaps Bernie Sanders will be on the general election ballot across from Donald Trump. Then we’d have a wild-eyed socialist running against a wild-eyed capitalist.

One thing is for sure — neither party knows who their nominee will be, much less who will make it to the presidency. Yet, if I were a gambling woman, I’d have to say, “Keep Bill under control this time, President Rodham.”
