WILSON: Levels, examples and types of government corruption

By George Wilson  |  It is hard to find an instance of the breakdown of democracy in which corruption did not play a leading or at least prominent role.

00_icon_wilsonThese and other foundations of a secure liberal democracy do not get constructed overnight. You must have a strong and capable state; a genuine rule of law, buttressed by a neutral and capable judiciary; effective institutions of horizontal accountability; competent and honest local administration; a pluralistic and resourceful civil society; a culture of tolerance, vigilance, and civic responsibility.

The total amount of corruption may not increase, but as more people get in on the game, and more cash is required to fund the electoral contest for power consequently, corruption then has no natural limiting point. When the norms break down, the grabbing gets going and the competition intensifies, corruption always tends to descend into predation.

Nowhere is this more evident than in DeKalb County and state government.

Furthermore, corruption cuts across political affiliations.

Types of Corruption:

  • Bribes for favors on rezoning ,contracts, government jobs;
  • Pressuring companies doing business with the government to donate to campaigns;
  • Hiring a representative of the General Assembly to work at a company doing business with the government;
  • Paid trips, usually to luxury resorts for meetings with special interest groups;
  • Questionable use of campaign donations;
  • No accountability as to effectiveness of privatized       services provided to the government;
  • No accountability and transparency of the effectiveness of tax incentives given to various groups; and
  • Misuse of government credit cards.

We will explore more of these specific abuses ahead.
