MYSTERY: Lots of water to consider with this photo


Tell us where you think this photograph was made. Send you idea to and be sure to include your hometown.

16.0219.mysterySeveral people recognized a coastal Mississippi home which was the Mystery Photo in the last edition. Michael Green of Milton came in first, saying that the photo was “The Beauvoir, the home of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America.  It is located in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Beauvoir, which was severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina is operated as a house museum.” The photo came from Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill.

Dependable George Graf of Palmyra, Va. also recognized it, telling us: “The construction of ‘Beauvoir’ was begun in 1848 and purchased in 1873 by the planter Samuel Dorsey and his wife, Sarah Dorsey. After her husband’s death in 1875, the widow, Sarah Ellis Dorsey learned of former Confederate President Jefferson Davis’ difficulties. She offered him a cottage near the main house, where he could live and work at his memoirs (“Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government”).  In 1878 Sarah Ellis Dorsey remade her will, bequeathing ‘Beauvoir’ to Jefferson Davis, where he lived the remainder of his life, until 1889.  The main house was badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina but was restored.”

Lee Klaer of Duluth also scored, saying: “I am almost certain that the photo is Jefferson Davis’s home in Biloxi. Mississippi.”


First goldfinch of the season Arrives at Lawrenceville park


The first goldfinch of the season has arrived at Rhodes Jordan Park in Lawrenceville. Roving Photographer Frank Sharp reports: “This is a wonderful time to bird watch since there are hardly any leaves on the trees. The birds are difficult to see and identify in other seasons. This is a female American Goldfinch.  The male is bright yellow and is often called a ‘wild canary.’ These birds have a very pointed beak which is an identifying standout mark.”
