MYSTERY: Today’s clues included telling you to “remain seated”

15.1211.mystery There are plenty of clues in this edition’s Mystery Photo. Note the big building, the columns, the water, and you know there’s plenty of activity here. And what does “Remain Seated” tell you? Now tell us where it is. Send your answers to and be sure to include the town where you live.

15.1208.mysteryRobert Hanson of Loganville was the first to identify last edition’s Mystery Photo. He, a railroad buff, told us that this is the Missouri-Pacific Railroad Bridge over the Arkansas River adjacent to the Clinton Library in Little Rock. The library’s spraying fountain is at the forefront of the photo.

Susan McBrayer of Sugar Hill writes: “This is the bridge in front of the Clinton Library in Little Rock.  I must admit I would not have remembered this bridge from when I made a pilgrimage to this ultra modern site, but I do remember the fountains, so that was my clue.” Marc Cohen of Sugar Hill also spotted the location of the bridge.
