BRACK: Obama disappoints in extending troop time in Afghanistan

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher  |    President Obama disappointed me more last week than at any time since he has been president. He obviously has been taking in too much of the Inside-the-Beltway Punch, as he announced that our American troops are staying even longer in Afghanistan.

15.elliottbrackHe went back on his word.

One commentator called it a “U-turn on troops in Afghanistan.”

That upsets a lot of Americans.

It is a bad sign physically, endangering our personnel, as well as fiscally, costing the USA more money.  And it props up a government that is not deserving of our efforts.

President Obama has disappointed before. In an earlier time, again when paying too much attention to Washington Insiders instead of Mr. Everyday American, the President in 2009 increased the presence of the U.S. military in Afghanistan, shortly after taking office. That rankled.

But by 2015 the President, should have learned that Afghanistan is virtually an ungovernable country.  We are doing nothing more than pouring money down a rathole, at a time where we have pressing financial priorities within our country.

But mostly, it belies the understanding that the American people who elected Barack Obama had with the President, when he was campaigning for office. He promised that he would pull American troops out of Afghanistan at a certain date. Many Americans thought that way, too, and no doubt gave their vote for president to Mr. Obama based either partially or wholly on him giving his word.

Now he has backslid.

Whatever his presidential achievements, and we believe Obamacare is one of them, his decision to keep troops in that far-off country will stamp him as a president who disappointed many Americans, and lost their confidence, with this move. Our nation can’t simply fund an unwinnable war in Afghanistan and address our own social priorities at home.

It is almost unimaginable to think how much money has been squandered since 9-11 by our country in its efforts to prop up Afghanistan. The cost figures are staggering.

  • The Center for Research and Globalization says that the cost of the war hits $6 trillion.
  • Another way to look at it, the National Priorities Project, makes it simpler: $4 billion an hour.

This undeclared war is now the longest conflict in the history of our country, lasting more than 14 years. The president’s move last week could extend it to the next presidency.

While addressing the fiscal cost, we must not forget the terrible human cost to American fighting men in this war.  As of October 1, 2015, a total of 2,326  American military deaths have been recorded, while 20,083 Americans have been wounded. Of course, this does not address many more Americans who have been harmed mentally from their time in this war.

All needlessly.

And by leaving our troops in Afghanistan longer, there will be more deaths and wounded.

While President Obama has not kept his word, our best hope now is that both the persons who secure their party’s nomination, will also promise to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. Their big problem is that one president has reneged on his promise. It will be difficult to feel another presidential candidate in 2016 will be true to their word.

President Obama: you can relent. Show your mettle by keeping your original word, and rescind your order for extending this needless effort in Afghanistan.

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