Check out this far-out photo! Ever seen it, and know where it is located? If so, send in your thoughts to elliott@brack.net, and be sure to include your hometown.
Last week, GwinnettForum stumped its panel of readers with the last Mystery Photo. We tried to point out a clue, but no one picked up on it. Surely many of our readers have ventured to this site, which is most famous. What should have given away the location were the canoes stacked to the right of the picture……in front of L.L. Bean in Freeport, Maine. We “gotcha” all! The photo was sent in by Susan McBurney of Sugar Hill.
By the way, the previous Mystery Photo of Starr’s Mill near Fayetteville was provided by none other than our Roving Photographer Frank Sharp!
Another Little Free Library

Organizers of The Little Free Library, a familiar site on Saturdays at the Snellville Farmers’ Market, were front and center a recent Snellville council meetings. The Little Free Library is a dollhouse-like structure which sits on a child’s wagon. But instead of dolls, the Little Free Library houses books donated by citizens. Little Free Libraries seek to promote literacy and a love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide. From left are Susan Chappalear, Jean Baldwin, Kirk Buis, Lynn Lawton, Dennis Lawton, Kurt Schulz, Tim Ford, all credited for their effort in making the Little Free Library a reality, and Mayor Pro-Tem Tom Witts. The Little Free Library movement began in Hudson, Wisc. in 2009 when a son of a teacher built a structure with a sign reading “Free Books.” Snellville’s library now holds charter number 27,437 in the organization.
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