Dancers are, in front, John Streit, along with Madeline Whitehead, Madison Greene, Hannah Freeman, Taylor Adams and Julianna Brown.
By Holly Calmes | The story behind Gwinnett Ballet Theatre’s (GBT) newest production, a contemporary three act story ballet, features the Journey taken by a young man through life as he struggles with tragedy, love, and friendship. People with brain injury go through “journeys” of their own, seeking healing, hope and support. GBT and the Brain Injury Association of Georgia are joining forces to support each other’s efforts, as they share such similar messages.Journey will be presented at the Gwinnett Performing Arts Center on Saturday March 28 at 2:30 and 7:30 pm and on Sunday, March 29 at 2:30 pm. The production is a regional premiere. Written and choreographed by GBT Artistic Director Wade Walthall, the ballet features the music of Rachmaninoff, Gorecki and Nyman.
Journey incorporates classical ballet as well as contemporary elements to create a modern story about the spiritual evolution of a young man, the circumstances of his life, and the choices he makes. Mr. Walthall describes the ballet as, “an ‘everyman tale’, universal in essence with truth and content common to all. It is a tale of the special journey we all take in order to find ourselves, love in our lives, and perhaps the stars…”
Paige Havens of the Brain Injury Association of Georgia feels: “Those who have endured brain injury take powerful journeys of their own. There are real tales of strength, perseverance and faith, full of swells of tragedy and triumph. We are thrilled to partner with GBT to bring encouragement and inspiration to brain injury survivors and their families and awareness to their journey.”
GBT Board Chairman Ted Scartz says: “Part of Gwinnett Ballet Theatre’s mission is to reach out to community organizations and other non-profits. The subject of brain injury has been brought into the public’s consciousness recently, largely through the world of sports. However, brain injuries happen every day to ordinary people, not just sports stars. We hope that our collaboration can bring further awareness to the great work being done by the Brain Injury Association of Georgia.”
Anyone with a brain injury or a condition resulting from a brain injury will receive special recognition if they attend a performance of Journey. Special ticket pricing is also available for Brain Injury Association of Georgia members. For more information about membership, visit www.braininjurygeorgia.org.
Tickets for Journey are available through www.gwinnettcenter.com , by calling 888-929-7849, or by visiting the Gwinnett Center Box Office in the Arena Building. Tickets will also be available at the door. Prices are $20 for adults, $15 for students and seniors, and $12 individually for groups of 10 or more. These prices do not reflect the special offer stated above.
- For more information about the Brain Injury Association of Georgia, visit their web site at http://www.braininjurygeorgia.org.
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